Caroline (age 10, leukemia recurrence) has been in Children's Hospital for three weeks with slight fevers resulting from lack of immune system. Please pray for her immune system to start functioning again so that she can go forward with her bone marrow transplant which has been delayed until early July at this point. More delays mean she has longer odds of complete recovery. The family is receiving strong prayer and financial support from St. Michael's Catholic Church in Rancho Bernardo.
Kay Denton (Mrs. Kay) – is home from the hospital now, though she continues to have with heart, kidney and lung difficulties with fluid buildup on the lungs and what may be a form of septic arthritis. She is doing much better. Every so often she has a flare-up of the severe shoulder pain, accompanied by chills and shivering- but the last time it happened was much relieved by Cortisone injections. Also, please pray for her to maintain her positive attitude. As always, she retains her trust in the Lord, she thankful to get her positive attitude back. Pray also for Mrs. Kay’s family and her close friend Len who are under great stress that they might also keep their trust in the Lord. Mrs. Kay asks that everyone who is praying for her know how grateful she is for their prayers.
Jim Rodgers was taken to Kaiser Hospital-Fontana on Saturday 7 June 2008, suffering from a stroke. The stroke was on the right side. We understand Jim lost half of his eyesight and all of his hearing on the right side. He is able to speak, but not clearly and has some feeling on the right side. After an evaluation on Monday, it was determined that Jim will be going home and receive speech and walking therapy at home. We ask that pray for Jim's rapid and complete recovery from the effects of the stroke and for his Darlene and their family to be comforted and strengthened so that they can support Jim.
Steven - thanksgiving for a safe return from Bagdad, Iraq where he served with the US Army.
Repose of the Soul
Millard Stanforth, beloved English and History teacher of Susanne Barrett and so many others, passed away on 30 Mau 2008. Of your Christian charity, please pray for the repose of his soul and comfort for his family who remain behind.
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