TravelAaron, Traci and Warren are on travel this week.
Dru and Jack are on travel this week.
Ben, Holly and Ashley are on travel this week.
Chris, Stephanie, Alex and Andrew are on travel this week.
DepartedJim for whom we have been praying recently passed away from pancreatic cancer. Of your Christian charity, pray for the repose of his soul and comfort for his family and friends who remain here on earth.
HealingBetty, Salvador (cancer), Betty, Marge, Uni, Karl, Christian, Marie, Wanda, Frank+ (brain tumor), Lois, Jennette (Alzheimer’s), Gary, Delores, Anna, Ruth, Connie, Tom, Crystal, Thomas, Hadley, Diane, Norm, Gregory, Terri, Mary, Carmen, Yolanda, Jodi, Ken, Sheila, Nancy, Leucrecia (cancer), Michele, Marybeth (broken foot, stroke), Bill (infection), Teiko, Ernie, Ray, Betty, Hazel, Bruce (heart attack), Susanne, Paul (stroke), Ralph+ (eyes hip), Allison (kidney), Bill (ETOH poisoning), Joy, Kai, Jay, Tim, Diane, Amy (Thyroid cancer), Lise (peritoneal cancer), Joy, Martha, Evelyn, Sheryal, Kenny (ear surgery), Debbie, Joanna (stroke) [granddaughter of Father Holland a diocesan priest], Al (Ashley’s dad: surgery)
John and Isabel Wilhelmy’s family ask your prayers on their behalf for God’s help through eye surgery and illness combined. We also pray that they will accept their family’s loving assistance in this difficult time.
Everett Joshua (EJ), grandson of Father Josh Acton, Rector of Christ the Redeemer Anglican Church in Yuma, seems to have a condition where he cannot swallow breast milk, but instead actually chokes on it. It is a severe reflux and can cause asphyxiation in infants. His mother Vanessa is now having to pump her milk and add "thickening fluids" to her milk and then feed by bottle. Apparently Vanessa watched an Xray of Everett swallowing, and consequently, choking on milk. His air way is clogged after every time he feeds.
This is not the definitive diagnosis. It sure beats the other possibilities. It is a dangerous but treatable condition. Your prayers and offers of help and support are greatly appreciated.
Please keep EJ and his family in your prayers.
Bruce Denny, a friend of Susanne Barrett, is a young father who has had two heart attacks before age 40. Bruce just went to the doctor for a standard pacemaker/defibrillator check up. The test showed his heart has weakened some since the last test and he has fluid around his heart. Now the test showed it has weakened more from last time, although it could just be due to using a different machine since his last test with a different doctor as they just changed physicians. They are not sure about the fluid around the heart. They might be able to just adjust his medications and that will take care of it. He has an appointment with the cardiologist next week. Hopefully there will be more answers. He has not been feeling very well the last few weeks but is still working two jobs. This is the latest update on his condition from his wife, Jennifer. They have three boys. Please pray for Bruce and his family.
Vince (12 yrs) who has bone cancer (a teammate of Andrew B) is doing well, things are much better of late. Please pray for his continued good progress!
Mary Parker is in the Medical Intensive Care Unit at the Sharp Memorial Hospital with an infection and was not conscious. On Thursday, she opened her eyes. Her organs are getting better each day, although she is on a respirator. Doctors are amazed since they gave her 24/48 hours to live on Monday. Her family believe it is God's and her decision to still be here. They hope to take the oxygen tube out on Friday.
Please continue to pray for God’s will to be done and that she and her family continue to put their trust in Him. In particular, please pray for her family’s peace.
Martha Stevens had a back spasm this past week, so bad that she went to the Emergency Room where she was given medication. She had an adverse reaction to the medication, but has gotten over that. Please give thanks for her recovery so far and pray that she will return to one hundred percent.
Alice, friend of Fran Dexter, had lung cancer and surgery five years ago and has been in remission. After she started coughing up blood, radiological testing found a spot on her lung. She underwent surgery on 5 September 2008, which apparently went well. Fran asks in particular you pray for peace of mind for both Alice and Rick that they might put their trust in God.
Kenny had surgery to improve his hearing. It was hoped his hearing would improve over the next two or three months. There’s no improvement yet and he’s feeling frustrated. It is very difficult to have physical ailments and even harder when “promised” improvements apparently fail to materialize. Please continue to pray, not only for his improved hearing; but more importantly for his improved state of mind and faith.
Joshua Hamilton has been upgraded to stable and was moved to a regular ward , but he still hasn’t regained consciousness. The staph infection has been taken care of, but he needs some miraculous healing as the doctors have been doing all the things that are available. Joshua fell out of a car the morning of 27 July 2008. He sustained a closed head injury and potential spinal cord injuries. Joshua has undergone three surgeries to relieve pressure on his brain, but he has not yet awakened. We are praying for God’s miraculous intervention and to do those things best for Joshua in his life with God. Please continue to pray for his wife, Tulani, and two children, Isaiah & Keanu, and of course his mom, Jo Ann, and his James brother who is in our FTGC, asking for God’s presence and comfort.
George, husband of LaVonda and friend of Susanne Barrett, whose bladder cancer has returned. George, the husband of my friend LaVonda, has been going through chemo after the recurrence of his bladder cancer. They are Christians who live in northern Georgia, and LaVonda has been such a prayer support for me when Susanne’s been ill. Saturday morning LaVonda e-mailed with this information:
George became very confused, the most he has ever been last night after we woke him up to bring him home from the hospital after the hydration was finished. He was completely talking out of his head. I don't know if this is normal for chemo after-effects or if it is because of kidney function being off and having toxins building up in his system. We have to go back today for more tests & more hydration, and we're hoping to come back home later today, but as of now I am unsure if he will be admitted. I didn't put all of this on the CaringBridge page because so many of the hospital employees read there also.
LaVonda is now talking to Carmen (Caroline's mom).
Specifically, you are asked to pray for:
• George to not react so strongly to the chemo;
• Not be so ill after each treatment;
• To be able to maintain, if not gain, weight;
• For his complete healing from the cancer;
• For LaVonda as she cares for him with no outside help;
• For their children, Megan and George III, as they struggle with their dad's illness.
• George is becoming very discouraged so please pray for the peace and hope that are in Christ Jesus to fill his heart, no matter how much his body is suffering.
Glenn Finch – is awake and walking. Glenn is living with Ron and Caralie for awhile. Since he needs 24 hour supervision and help, we will be getting trained this Wednesday by the therapy team. Though we are thrilled to be there for him, it's a bit scary and overwhelming. Someone suggested that we set up a resource calendar defining all his needs, in case there are those who would like to help. So that's what we are doing. It will be on; type in ID number - 6351 and Code - 7647 to get to Glenn's calendar. I'm working on it, so give me a day or so.
Also, if you would like to be a helper in any way, please send me your name, email address and phone number so we can begin a file. Send to Glenn will need rides to and from rehab 5 days a week; meals; TLC visits; people to help him with his therapy homework on the weekends; people to hang out with him, errands, etc. Glenn's Mom, Ron and I really will need some help I think.
Please pray that insurance will give Glenn an outpatient rehab agenda that will last longer than a month so that he can get the most out of this crucial time to work on all the parts of his brain. Thanks for your continued thoughts, prayers and care. Caralie
Evelyn Hunt has an ear infection for which she has been taking antibiotics. The antibiotics, in turn, have been adversely affecting the rest of her system and she feels terrible. Please pray for a triumph of the antibiotics over the ear infection, so she can get off them and the rest of her feel better, as well as an abatement of the nerve problems in her legs. Most importantly, pray for her to keep a good attitude and maintain a trust in God, so she will not worry.
Miney Farrell has had pain and weakness in her leg that has been limiting her activity.
Lorraine Winkles is still dealing with shingles (now over 21 months). The level of discomfort varies but the condition is persisting.
Lona Walsh is in significant discomfort, but it looks like it is not Lupus. A recent MRI indicates she needs shoulder surgery on both sides, not great news, but much better than Lupus. She hopes for more information shortly, in the mean time, she asks that you continue your prayers for healing.
Kay Denton (Mrs. Kay) – is home and doing wonderfully well! As always, she retains her trust in the Lord and her positive attitude.
Mrs. Kay asks that everyone who is praying for her know how grateful she is for their prayers.
Nicole Ethridge - age 27, mother of two - Has a form of liver disease, which is causing her liver to shut down. She is near dialysis and would like you to pray for her disease to go into remission so that she can keep off dialysis and avoid a liver transplant. She asks that you pray for her continued faith and good spirits, as well as strength to take care of her children.
Caroline (age 10, leukemia recurrence) Update on Caroline from Caroline's mom, Carmen, 28 August 2008:
This has been quite an eventful week. It has been filled with joy and concern. Caroline is doing quite well. Her platelets and hemoglobin have both made very nice increases and she is in the normal range with both of those! Her liver enzymes have also continued to drop, but are still on the elevated side. Thank you to everyone who has been praying. One area of significant concern is her white blood cell count. It has skyrocketed. Dr. Rosenthal is not too concerned and assures us that this happens sometimes as the new marrow is trying to equalize. However, it is definitely something he is keeping an eye on. We are praying that her white blood cell count comes down to the normal range and that she is cured and rid of the leukemia.
GuidanceLloyd & Jennifer, Bob to be guided to a church
Ashley, Breyana, Vie, Asha, Cory, Heather, Holly, Ken, Maruja, Jerry, Martha, Matt, Marci, Nicholas, Carmen, Mary, John, William, Joe, Alexander, Jonathan, Phil, Sandy, Larraine, Brad, Brian, Uni, Jennifer, Greg, Margie, Phyllis, Walter, Rick, Carol, Susan, Curtis, Stephen, Donny, Chris, Eric (job), Andrew, Keith (job decision), Sara, Mark, Alexandra, Nelson, Perlita, Lewis, Sam & Susie
Sara, a good friend of John an old family friend of the Ackers. Sara has two small children and an abusive ex-husband. The ex-husband took the children and Sara is in court trying to get them back. The custody of her children is going to mediation (9/9/08). She has appreciated the prayers and is asking for the decision to be in the best interest of the children. Sara asks you pray that God’s will for these children will be realized and they will be put in the best custody situation possible. Please pray for God’s guidance in the lives of the ex-husband, John and Sara and that they might hear Him.
Guidance and ProtectionChristina
Economic Guidance and AssistanceSt. Andrew’s Academy (Lake Almanor, CA) Father Brian Foos (headmaster) – Please pray for help and guidance for the school, which is under severe pressure from economic down turn. You can pray and turn your heart towards this problem. If you can do something concrete to help them, contact Father Acker.
Eric and
Eric both to find a job that will allow them to use their skill and talent to make their new company more successful.
Sonny and
Carol have lost their business, their home is in foreclosure. Please pray that they might find an opportunity for gainful employment where they can use their talents to make a positive impact on the world
Please pray for
Kevin in the UK. He has been looking for a job for a long time and is 52. Please pray he might find an opportunity for gainful employment where he can use his talents to make a positive impact on the world. Please pray also for his family, in particular his wife Beverley, that they might open their hearts and minds to God’s guidance for their future.
Homebound/Aged and InfirmMary, Donna, Betty, Noko, Adelaide, Evelyn, Lorraine, Ellie
Armed Forces & ContractorsTillman, Justin, Evan, Jim, RJ, Matt, Phillip, Julian, Joe (USAF - Ali Al Salem AB, Kuwait), John Kelly (USN - USS Ronald Reagan)
Anglican CommunionArchbishop Peter Akinola , the head of the GAFCON Primates’ Council has asked us to pray for our Anglican Communion. Specifically during September to December, we are bidden to pray for:
1. Guidance of the Holy Spirit upon the GAFCON Primates Council that they may be united in their leadership for the Gospel of Jesus Christ
2. Upholding the Bible as authoritative for the life, faith, and conduct of all Christians
3. Remaining faithful in the central task of the Church to mission and evangelism, saving the lost, bringing life and health to the poor and needy
4. The outpouring of the Holy Spirit to bring renewal, revival and transformation of individuals, communities, and societies
5. Anglicans to focus upon God’s agenda set forth in Scripture, God’s authority as given by Jesus Christ, and God’s mission in saving sinners and by the Holy Spirit turning them into saints
6. The setting aside all other agendas, that Jesus alone be Lord