Caroline (age 10, leukemia recurrence) is doing quite well. She will need to stay in Pasadena for another month or two to be near City of Hope where her bone marrow transplant took place. She is still struggling with a few side effects, Graft vs. Host Disease, etc. Our major prayer for her is that she does not relapse. Right now the chance of relapse in patients with her kind of leukemia after recurrence and transplant is 40%. She also has genetic markers that make relapse more likely. Caroline is being homeschooled right now by her parents and is able to make short excursions with a mask on to bookstores, etc., when they aren't crowded. Please keep praying for this sweet girl to make a full recovery and live a long life, devoted to God and that she will be able to go home to Escondido soon as she misses being at home. She and her family are Catholic Christians.
George (recurrence of bladder cancer) is undergoing weekly chemotherapy which makes him quite ill. This last week he wasn't quite as ill as he has been, so please pray that he will be able to continue attending church each Sunday and will have a full recovery. The future regarding surgery and other treatment is unclear at this point. Please keep his wife LaVonda and their children Megan and George Jr., in prayer as well. They live in northern Georgia.
Bruce Denny lives in El Cajon and has experienced two major heart attacks in his early 40's. He was to have an appointment with a cardiologist last Thursday, but no results yet. His previous appointment showed further deterioration of his heart, including a fluid build-up in the sac surrounding his heart. The family is also under severe financial stress because Bruce has been unable to work after his heart attacks. His wife, Jennifer, is looking for a job and for childcare for their one-year-old. The church family at Lake Murray Community Church is helping out with taking their older boys to and from school and with meals, etc. Pray for no further deterioration in Bruce's heart and for help with their finances.
Keith has had no work for the past three weeks. Because of family medical expenses, they have no savings and are in debt. Please pray for God's leading for a new job or for new clients for Keith's drafting business or for another stained glass commission. Pray for Susanne as she tutors and teaches online classes while home schooling their four kids, that she may remain strong and able to do all she needs to do to teach their kids and help with finances despite herphysical condition (rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, etc.). Pray for them also to not fear for the future but to trust in the Lord.
Glenn Finch – Awesome news! Glenn's evaluation was incredible! He has improved physically and mentally in leaps and bounds. He will be discharged from rehab on 23 October 2008. His most difficult challenge right now is the driving simulator. He is scheduled for a driving evaluation 21 October 2008 to see if he can have his license reinstated. He has asked for your prayers! So many people have been so wonderful to drive him everywhere, but he is looking forward to this step of independence! He plans to move back home in small chunks, having his girls join him there for a weekend. Now he is mostly working on getting his body back in great shape and on executive skills that will help him as he goes back to work. He is so grateful for your prayers and support!! Thank you! Thank you! Caralie
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