Ryan Wyckoff (15), son of Kevin and Lisa Wyckoff friends of the Arnold family from Wasilla, Alaska, is currently hospitalized in Seattle with apparent liver failure of unknown origin. Currently they are attempting to find out from where the problem has arisen. There are a few choices, some pretty benign, others not so. Please pray the doctors, nurses and technicians who treat him will pay attention and do their best. The Wyckoff’s faith is broad, as well as deep. Pray they continue to pull with together with God in all this, accepting all the help He gives them. Please pray for them to pay attention to their daily lives so nothing untoward happens while they are concentrating on their son.
Kitty, very good friend of Susanne Barrett, is having emergency appendectomy surgery on 12 March 2009, at Grossmont Hospital in La Mesa. Please pray for wisdom for her doctors and for no complications. She has requested no visitors at the hospital or Susanne would be down there. If all goes well, she should be able to go home 13 March 2009. Please keep Kitty in your prayers.
Judy Reisor made a miraculous recovery from a stroke related coma. Please give thanks for her recovery. Doctors are now considering surgery for the hip break which precipitated the stroke. Please pray for guidance for the surgeons and that she would accept the peace God’s love will give her.
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