Independence Day
Please pray a prayer of thanksgiving for the independence of our country. Pray for those who have given their lives to make this independence and freedom a reality. Pray also that the people may follow God's will, not weaken and follow the Prince of this World who promises the impossible and delivers no good. Freedom is not free. It never was. It never will be.
Bay Bigbee passed away Thursday 2 July 2009 at 1620 as the result of liver failure due apparent cancer in the organ. This is accompanied by kidney failure and other internal organ damage and infection. Please pray for God’s grace for Bay, as well as comfort and guidance for his wife Michelle.
Eunice, Fran Dexter’s aunt, has a broken back which has not healed. She is going to undergo surgery on Wednesday 8 July 2009. Please pray for the surgical team performing the operation that they will do their very best. In addition pray for a successful outcome which will result a cessation of her pain and allow her to walk and enjoy a normal life. In particular pray for her to accept the help God will give her to lift her spirits. Pray also for her family that they also might accept God’s help, put their trust in God and accept the peace God’s love will give them.
Vera Zimmers is having surgery on Monday for early stage colon cancer. They will be doing it via laparoscopy where she will have 3-4 1/2 inch incisions and the one that will be 3-4 inches, where they will remove the portion of colon they will perform the resection on. They feel it is in stage 1 or 2 and if all goes well, they will keep her about 6 days to ensure there is no leakage or infection. The CT scan preliminary reading has all the other organs looking good. They will remove the portion of the colon and the lymph nodes to verify it has not spread. Please pray for peace of mind for Vera and her family; for guidance and perfection on the part of the surgical team and a good recovery.
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