Bible Verse of the Day

Thursday, May 27, 2010

27 May 2010 - Special Prayer Request

Doreen Wolf, mother of Melanie Zimmers, had very successful reconstructive orthopedic surgery on her foot the morning of Thursday 27 May 2010, to correct damage from previous surgeries which have caused her foot to be almost perpendicular to the desired position.  Pre-surgery testing found she apparently sustained a "silent" heart attack.  Luckily the tests came out fine and the surgery went forward.  The damage was a bit less than expected and the result appears to have been good.  Please pray a prayer of thanksgiving for the successful surgery and that Doreen will be a good patient, hard for a nurse we all know, during her recovery.  Finally pray for a good result that Doreen might live a long and healthy life the glory of God. 

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