Hal Campbell will be undergoing surgery for a cancerous lesion on the inside of his cheek and the associated lymph node. Hal’s family asks that you pray for God’s help for the surgical team, a successful surgery and rapid recovery.
Kurt Thomas (USN – Afghanistan FOB), returned from deployment to Afghanistan this week. He and his family give thanks for a safe return.
Jack Royce gives thanks for recovering from the elbow injury as the result of a fall on snow and ice. An MRI of his elbow showed the break originally seen on X Rays was actually an old break he never knew happened (he is tough). On the other hand they told him he has “mice” in his elbow. These are little bits of cartilage that broke off but there’s no use operating to try to pin them back in place because as soon as a person is under anesthesia, the bits hide in the muscle. Perhaps why they’re called “mice” and fortunately not “cockroaches”, a PR thing. All is well now and he is thankful, as is the rest of his family.
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