Daniel Needham 17 year old son of missionaries Tom and Barb in Cameroon underwent surgery on 20 April 2009 in Denver for an infection in previously placed hardware in his back. Here is the note from his father:
Dear Praying Friends, Greetings from Denver, Colorado!
What a trying, challenging, but blessed week the Lord has given us!! Daniel’s back surgery took place on Monday the 20th and was a success! A certain type of bacteria had settled onto the stainless steel screws and rods that had been implanted in Daniel’s back nearly 3 years ago. It had to be physically removed from his spine. The doctors opened up his back, took out the hardware, and drained at least a quart of infectious material! The surgeon said Daniel is one tough young man to have been walking around in this condition! Daniel’s spine had completely fused in the right position since the first surgery, so the rods will not need to be reinstalled!! No more airport security alarms going off! The doctors cleaned up the hardware and presented it to us in a plastic sack. We thought maybe we could make airplane parts out of it! Daniel is rapidly recovering and left the hospital today on his own two feet! He will need to go to the hospital every day for 6 weeks to get I.V. antibiotics to make sure no infection remains. It was a blessing for Barb and me to remain in the room with Daniel this week. The doctors assure us that he will continue to quickly regain his strength and be as strong as ever. We are thankful for the opportunities the Lord gave us to give out gospel tracts in the hospital and to testify to people of the saving love and power of Christ.
We will remain in the Denver area, staying with Pastor and Mrs. Craig Scott. The Lord willing, we plan to return to Cameroon in June.
Thank you so much for praying for Daniel during this trial. Many of you called and sent emails to encourage him. Thank you!!!! It meant a lot to him and us. Daniel’s email address is: danieltneedham@gmail.com
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