Walter experienced serious angina and underwent heart catheterization on Monday 14 March 2011. In his mother’s words, “Yesterday was amazing for Walter. 90 minutes on the operating table, and he had 3 stents put into an artery that was 99% blocked (all the other arteries were clear, large, and healthy)! He watched the whole procedure on the machine just as the Cardiologist was seeing it, and next week we can go to Ashevile and get a copy of the whole thing! We were there at 7:00 and home before 3:00! He is restricted only in "no driving for 3 days) in fear of a sudden stop that might pop the plug out of the place of insertion. He goes back to work on Friday. Oh how much we have to be thankful for... the Lord's mercy... and the many friends that were praying for him! Thanks to all of you, what would we do without you! Love.” Please pray a prayer of thanksgiving for the great result and ask for a rapid and complete recovery. May this experience bring Walter and his mother deeper in their love for our Lord.
Joan Balslev underwent what appears to be a very successful second lumbar surgery on 14 March 2011, her seventh surgery in the past couple of years. Please give thanks for the excellent result and pray for a complete and rapid recovery.
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