Bible Verse of the Day

Monday, March 21, 2011

21 March 2011 - Special Prayer Requests


Lee Thomas is in assisted living after a stroke and after a limited recovery. Lee is doing a tad better with his speech, but his balance is so bad he cannot walk unassisted even with his walker. There are times when he knows what is going on around him and with family, etc. but other times when nothing seems to register. It's very sad for him. He wants to be home, he cannot live there safely. Please pray for Lee, his family, and the care staff. Please pray for Lee, Sandy and their children to maintain their trust in God and to look towards Him for guidance. Pray also for the medical team treating Lee that God might guide and direct their assessment and treatment.

Vicky developed a brain aneurysm a year and a half ago. Vicky is home and making progress. She is now walking without a cane, which is real progress. However, the gains on her thought process are much slower. Her husband ran into a store and told her to just wait in the car for him; within a couple of minutes he saw her wandering through the front door. He's now keeping the car keys hidden. She repeats anything she tells you several times in the same conversation. She's come an incredibly long way but still has a long way to go.

Please pray for Vicky’s recovery and for peace of mind for her husband Doug and family, that they might keep their trust in the Lord.

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