Traci and Warren are on travel this week.
Betty, Annie (diabetes), Salvador (cancer), Betty, Marge, Uni, Bethany (collision), Greg (shoulder surgery), Karl, Kathy, Christian, Marie, Wanda, James (diabetes), Frank+ (brain tumor), Sarah, Tina, Mark, Lois, Jennette (Alzheimer’s), Gary, Delores, Anna, Ruth, Theresa, Don (post surgery), Melanie, Connie, Tom, Crystal, Thomas, Hadley, Diane, Norm, Gregory, Terri, Mary, Edward, Bert, Carmen, Yolanda, Jodi, Ken, Sheila, Nancy, Leucrecia (cancer), Michele, Marybeth (broken foot, stroke), Bill (infection), Teiko, Ernie, Ray, Tamara, Betty, Hazel, Richard, Bruce (heart attack), Susanne, Paul (stroke), Ralph+ (eyes hip), Allison (kidney), Bill (ETOH poisoning), Fran (cataracts) , Joy, Kai, Jay, Tim, Sandy (back), Diane, Amy (Thyroid cancer), Doris (heart), Jim (pancreatic cancer), Lise (peritoneal cancer), Joy
Mary Parker has gone home from Sharp Memorial. She is still in the recovery process and in need to continued prayer. Please pray also for her family who are very concerned for her.
Denise, Father Acker's sister-in-law's niece, is in her early 30's and has started to have numbness in fingertips and toes. On 8 August 2008, she will be tested for Multiple Sclerosis. The test results will take a couple of weeks. Please pray also both Denise and her family to put their trust in God and not worry in this trying time.
Joshua Hamilton fell out of a car the morning of 27 July 2008. He sustained a closed head injury and potential spinal cord injuries. Joshua has undergone two surgeries to relieve pressure on his brain. He was in an induced coma, the coma inducing medication has been discontinued. He has not yet awakened and the MRI did not have a very positive if he should awaken. We are praying for God’s miraculous intervention and to do those things best for Joshua in his life with God. Please continue to pray for his wife, Tulani, and two children, Isaiah & Keanu, and of course his mom, Jo Ann, and his James brother who is in our FTGC, asking for God’s presence and comfort.
Sara, a good friend of John an old family friend of the Ackers. Sara has two small children and an abusive ex-husband. The ex-husband took the children and Sara is in court trying to get them back. Sara asks you pray that God’s will for these children will be realized and they will be put in the best custody situation possible. Please pray for God’s guidance in the lives of the ex-husband, John and Sara and that they might hear Him.
George, husband of LaVonda and friend of Susanne Barrett, whose bladder cancer has returned. The cancer is advancing, growing around the sciatic nerve and one of his kidnerys. Please pray for their children, Megan and George Jr., as they adjust to the news. Surgery will be occurring as soon as a few more tests are run. Of your Christian charity, please pray for George, LaVonda, Megan, and George Jr.
Glenn Finch – is awake and walking. Please keep praying for complete healing and for his family who have been consistently at his side. Also, pray for the doctors and nurses that attend to him. The family asks for your prayers for his healing and their strength. They are grateful for such loving, caring friends.
Evelyn Hunt is just not feeling right. She has generalized shaking, pressure in her head, blurred vision, nausea and fatigue. Although she has undergone many tests, they have not been able to determine the cause of the problem. She goes back to the doctor on Tuesday for more results. Please pray for a determination of the cause of her problems, a cure and a cessation of the symptoms.
Miney Farrell has had pain and weakness in her leg that has been limiting her activity.
Lorraine Winkles is still dealing with shingles (now over 18 months). The level of discomfort varies but the condition is persisting.
Lona Walsh is in significant discomfort, but it looks like it is not Lupus. A recent MRI indicates she needs shoulder surgery on both sides, not great news, but much better than Lupus. She hopes for more information shortly, in the mean time, she asks that you continue your prayers for healing.
Kay Denton (Mrs. Kay) – is home from the hospital now, though she continues to have with heart, kidney and lung difficulties with fluid buildup on the lungs and what may be a form of septic arthritis. She is doing much better. Every so often she has a flare-up of the severe shoulder pain, accompanied by chills and shivering- but the last time it happened was much relieved by Cortisone injections. Also, please pray for her to maintain her positive attitude. As always, she retains her trust in the Lord, she thankful to get her positive attitude back. Pray also for Mrs. Kay’s family and her close friend Len who are under great stress that they might also keep their trust in the Lord. Mrs. Kay sent the Prayer Team a card and asks that everyone who is praying for her know how grateful she is for their prayers.
Nicole Ethridge - age 27, mother of two - Has a form of liver disease, which is causing her liver to shut down. She is near dialysis and would like you to pray for her disease to go into remission so that she can keep off dialysis and avoid a liver transplant. She asks that you pray for her continued faith and good spirits, as well as strength to take care of her children.
Caroline (age 10, leukemia recurrence) Day +19 From Caroline's mom Carmen Tuesday morning:
For the first time in months, Caroline is producing her own white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets -- hopefully no more transfusions! The new cells have engrafted to the point that they are now producing the full spectrum of cells that our bone marrow produces. Amazing. Thanks be to God. Thank you also to everyone who has been praying for her.
The Graft vs. Host Disease of her skin is almost undetectable. Her doctor even reduced the steroid. He also came in yesterday and started taking her off of more meds, as he said, "in preparation for her to go home." Caroline is trying not to get too excited, but he is looking at the end of next week (about Day +30) for her to leave the hospital. Although she has a wonderful ANC, the numbers really don't make a big difference to her. We still have to maintain isolation for at least the first 100 days because any virus can bring on very bad things. As I tend to err on the side of caution, the 100 days will probably be more like 6 months. She is having to deal with the many adjustments to her meds. At times she feels really down, but then she will have really good moments, too. Overall, the good moments are occurring more frequently and are staying longer. I am amazed by her strength and grace.
I pray that we have passed the darkest part of this journey. I feel like we have been journeying through a tunnel and I'm starting to see light. You have all been such gleams of light throughout the journey. I thank God for each and everyone of you -- you are all reminders of God's love for us.
Thanks be to God for His working in the life of Caroline and her family. His grace is sufficient!
Lloyd & Jennifer, Bob to be guided to a church
Ashley, Breyana, Vie, Asha, Cory, Heather, Holly, Ken, Maruja, Stella, Shelly, Jerry, Martha, Matt, Marci, Nicholas, Carmen, Mary, John, William, Joe, Alexander, Jonathan, Phil, Sandy, Larraine, Brad, Brian, Cindi, Uni, Jennifer, Greg, Ed, Ruthie, Margie, Phyllis, Walter, Doris-June, Rick, Carol, Susan, Curtis, Stephen, Donny, Chris, Eric (job), Andrew, Keith (job decision), Sara, Mark, Alexandra, Nelson, Perlita, Jack, Sam & Susie
Economic Guidance and Assistance
St. Andrew’s Academy (Lake Almanor, CA) Father Brian Foos (headmaster) – Please pray for help and guidance for the school, which is under severe pressure from economic down turn. You can pray and turn your heart towards this problem. If you can do something concrete to help them, contact Father Acker.
Homebound/Aged and Infirm
Mary, Donna, Betty, Noko, Adelaide, Evelyn, Lorraine, Ellie, Walter (skilled nursing)
Armed Forces & Contractors
Tillman, Patrick, Justin, Tim, Evan, Jim, RJ, Matt, Phillip, Tim, Oscar, Julian, Joe (USAF - Ali Al Salem AB, Kuwait)
Martha Stevens gives thanks for her almost complete and still improving recovery from vertigo. However, one thing led to another and while the vertigo was keeping her off balance, she stubbed her big right toe and the nail had to be completely removed. Please give thanks for her recovery from vertigo and pray for rapid and complete healing of her toe.
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