George, husband of LaVonda and friend of Susanne Barrett, whose bladder cancer has returned. The cancer is advancing, growing around the sciatic nerve and one of his kidnerys. Please pray for their children, Megan and George Jr., as they adjust to the news. Surgery will be occurring as soon as a few more tests are run. Of your Christian charity, please pray for George, LaVonda, Megan, and George Jr.
Caroline (age 10, leukemia recurrence) Day +19 From Caroline's mom Carmen Tuesday morning:
For the first time in months, Caroline is producing her own white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets -- hopefully no more transfusions! The new cells have engrafted to the point that they are now producing the full spectrum of cells that our bone marrow produces. Amazing. Thanks be to God. Thank you also to everyone who has been praying for her.
The Graft vs. Host Disease of her skin is almost undetectable. Her doctor even reduced the steroid. He also came in yesterday and started taking her off of more meds, as he said, "in preparation for her to go home." Caroline is trying not to get too excited, but he is looking at the end of next week (about Day +30) for her to leave the hospital. Although she has a wonderful ANC, the numbers really don't make a big difference to her. We still have to maintain isolation for at least the first 100 days because any virus can bring on very bad things. As I tend to err on the side of caution, the 100 days will probably be more like 6 months. She is having to deal with the many adjustments to her meds. At times she feels really down, but then she will have really good moments, too. Overall, the good moments are occurring more frequently and are staying longer. I am amazed by her strength and grace.
I pray that we have passed the darkest part of this journey. I feel like we have been journeying through a tunnel and I'm starting to see light. You have all been such gleams of light throughout the journey. I thank God for each and everyone of you -- you are all reminders of God's love for us.
Thanks be to God for His working in the life of Caroline and her family. His grace is sufficient!
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