George, husband of LaVonda and friend of Susanne Barrett, whose bladder cancer has returned. An update from George's wife, LaVonda:
Yesterday George finished his 10th and final radiation treatment. Today George will start chemotherapy again. Pray God will bless all aspects of the chemotherapy treatments, and use the chemotherapy to destroy all corrupt, unnatural, cells in George’s body. Pray during the chemotherapy God will protect the healthy cells in all parts of George’s body. Surgery is not an option at this point. Specifically, you are asked to pray for:
• Healing for George
• Pain relief for George
• Emotional and spiritual strength for George, LaVonda, Megan, and George III
• Continued weight gain for George, even after resuming chemotherapy
• Chemotherapy will do no harm to healthy cells, but destroy all unhealthy cells
• George and LaVonda will get peaceful, restorative sleep each night
Caroline (age 10, leukemia recurrence) Update on Caroline from Caroline's mom, Carmen, 28 August 2008:
This has been quite an eventful week. It has been filled with joy and concern. Caroline is doing quite well. Her platelets and hemoglobin have both made very nice increases and she is in the normal range with both of those! Her liver enzymes have also continued to drop, but are still on the elevated side. Thank you to everyone who has been praying. One area of significant concern is her white blood cell count. It has skyrocketed. Dr. Rosenthal is not too concerned and assures us that this happens sometimes as the new marrow is trying to equalize. However, it is definitely something he is keeping an eye on. We are praying that her white blood cell count comes down to the normal range and that she is cured and rid of the leukemia.
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