Frank Toews and Ryan Williams members of the Christian African Inland Mission were killed as the result of an aircraft accident on 1 August 2009, near the Nairobi Willson Airport. Pilot Frank Toews did not survive the accident. Mechanic Ryan Williams was badly injured. On 7 August 2009, he succumbed to burn injuries after being medivaced to South Africa. Please pray for the repose of their souls and for their families who remain here on earth, In particular we ask that you pray for comfort and guidance for the families who remain behind here on earth having lost their husband, father, brother and son; for Tiffany and the Toews kids; for Dawn and the Williams kids. Pray also for those of AIM Air who have lost two fine comrades. Remember always that freedom is not free. Not our country and not our Lord. He brings us freedom, but the earthly cost can be high. It is paid with the blood, sweat and tears of His closest.
Maureen went back into the hospital for a fourth time on Thursday afternoon with an infection and damage to her heart valves The damage has increased each time and surgery is likely sooner than later even though they haven’t been able to knock out the infection. The antibiotics are killing the bacteria, just not fast enough. So they’ll be keeping her in ICU until they can determine when to do surgery. Mean while her daughter is getting married in Hawaii on Saturday—fortunately the hurricane is diminishing for the “beach wedding” with 150 guests (most from Hawaii). Please pray for her peace of mind and concentration of thought for the medical team treating her.
Edward, son of an ACNA priest is in Grossmont Hospital with a heart condition. Please pray for his peace of mind and that of his family, as well as concentration of thought for the medical team treating him.
Sheryl (fiancé of Edward who is in Grossmont with a heart condition) asks that you pray for Edward and for peace of mind and trust in God for her.
Madelynn Calvert born Sunday 7 June 2009 to Sarah at 24 weeks and one pound seven ounces. She is doing well and at her second month weighs is 3 pounds 1oz. She is having surgery this weekend to put her abdomen back together, no more colostomy bag. She is doing good, but not eating; surgery will be now instead of at 8 pounds. Good news, her brain bleed has resolved on its own and both eye exams came back great! Please give thanks for all the good to date and continue to pray for her continued growth and improvement. Please pray for God’s love for her and her family on the roller coaster of ups and downs. Pray for them to reach out to those around them who would provide support with God’s help. Pray for the medical personnel taking care of Madelyn.
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