Today we ask you to pray in particular for one who passed away, two surgeries and to give thanksgiving for one successful test and a young man who graduated from Air Force Basic Training.
Carmelita “Inday” Rollins passed away on Ascension Day, 21 May 2009, while on vacation at her ancestral home in the Philippines. Inday, who had cared for Admiral Jackson Arnold of this parish for about seven years, apparently died from advanced cancer with almost no warning. Give thanks for her time on earth during which she touched so many lives with positive results, always with joy in the Lord and that she has joined her beloved husband at home.
Corinne Cook underwent completely successful major surgery Friday 22 May 2009, in Saint Louis. As you may know Corinne was born very premature (1 Pound). She has undergone previous surgeries for Cerebral Palsy in her legs. This time she had a procedure known as Dorsal Rhizotomy. They removed a section of the vertebra to expose her spinal cord. By use of electrical stimulation they identified the nerves causing her calf muscles to stay contracted and cut only those nerves. Now she will have daily physical therapy for four to five months. Please give thanks for Dr. Park and his team’s success with Corinne’s surgery and a speedy recovery.
Mark Wilson underwent skin cancer surgery on his face 21 May 2009. They could not get all the cancer out and he will have to undergo four weeks of chemotherapy. He is concerned about the effect this will have on his business. Please pray for his peace of mind and well as a successful outcome for the chemotherapy and remission of the cancer.
Phil, Fran Dexter’s cousin, underwent a colonoscopy which found five bleeding polyps, none of which appeared to be cancerous. He had many concerns and worries, of which none came true. He gives thanks for your prayers and a successful outcome. Please pray also Phil, his wife Sandy and their family will put their trust in God and accept the peace God’s love will give them.
Airman Donny Patton graduated from the United States Air Force Basic Training School, Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas, on 22 May 2009. He will attend Technical Training Schools in the electronics field in Biloxi, Mississippi and Wichita Falls, Texas for the next five months before receiving his operational duty station.
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