Memorial Day
Please remember in your prayers the hundreds of thousands of members of our armed services who have given their lives that we might be free in this country and that countless more might live in freedom around the world. Remember those soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, coast guardsmen and merchant mariners, as well as the contractors working with them who stepped forward when their country called. When the call came, they did not just look at their feet, they stepped forward. Forward towards the sound of gunfire. When the need arose, their spirits rose and they filled the gap in the line. They gave their tomorrow so that we might have a today.
Remembering those who have gone before us
Raymond Deveraux died in February 2009. His wife Eleanor asks that we remember him in our prayers. The Deveraux were married for 64 years. As to be expected, there is still a huge gap in her life. She misses him. Pray that she will concentrate, not on their separation, but on their unity in God’s world for eternity in the future.
Repose of the Soul
Bob Rodenberger
Carmelita “Endae” Rollins passed away on Ascension Day, 21 May 2009, while on vacation at her ancestral home in the Philippines. Endae, who had cared for Admiral Jackson Arnold of this parish for about seven years, apparently died from advanced cancer with almost no warning. Give thanks for her time on earth during which she touched so many lives with positive results, always with joy in the Lord and that she has joined her beloved husband at home.
Barbara Harris passed away the morning of 29 April 2009 after a prolonged illness. She is free now of pain and with those who have gone before us. Please pray for the repose of her soul and for her family left here on earth. Help her family to accept God’s peace in their hearts and in their lives; to remind themselves of the good times past and eternity of unity in their future. Pray in particular for her daughter Barbara, her son Ken and his wife Carol.
Don, Sandy and Nick are on travel this week.
Chris, Stephanie, Andrew and Alex are on travel this week.
Ryan is on travel this week.
Don, Sandy and Nick are on travel this week.
Donny is on travel this week.
Jan is on travel this week.
Alice is on travel this week.
Ken is on travel this week.
Salvador (cancer), Betty, Marge, Uni, Karl, Christian, Wanda, Lois, Jennette (Alzheimer’s), Ruth, Connie, Tom, Crystal, Thomas, Hadley, Diane, Norm, Gregory, Nancy, Leucrecia (cancer), Marybeth (broken foot, stroke), Bill (infection), Teiko, Ernie, Ray, Betty, Hazel, Bruce (heart attack), Susanne, Paul (stroke), Ralph+ (prostate cancer), Allison (kidney), Bill (ETOH poisoning and gout), Kai, Jay, Tim, Diane, Amy (Thyroid cancer), Evelyn, Kenny (ear surgery), Debbie, Joanna (stroke) [granddaughter of Father Holland a diocesan priest], Cyndi (successful knee replacement surgery), Scott (endocarditis and cow valve), June (cancer surgery), Susan, Jeff, David (leg injury), Judy, who suffers from mental illness, is undergoing tests for cancer, Jon, Sue (surgery recovery), Greg, June (cancer), David (leg sprain), Cheri, David, Keith (ruptured disk), Ben, Michael (heart valve replacement), Walter (skin cancer), Gabriella (surgery), Curtis, Doyle, Martha, Muriel, Richard, Linda (infection after open cut from fall), Marybeth (radiation treatment; cancer has spread to her brain), Dru, Stephanie (flu), Ralph+, Jeffrey
Mark Wilson underwent skin cancer surgery on his face 21 May 2009. They could not get all the cancer out and he will have to undergo four weeks of chemotherapy. He is concerned about the effect this will have on his business. Please pray for his peace of mind and well as a successful outcome for the chemotherapy and remission of the cancer.
Corinne Cook underwent completely successful major surgery Friday 22 May 2009, in Saint Louis. As you may know Corinne was born very premature (1 Pound). She has undergone previous surgeries for Cerebral Palsy in her legs. This time she had a procedure known as Dorsal Rhizotomy. They removed a section of the vertebra to expose her spinal cord. By use of electrical stimulation they identified the nerves causing her calf muscles to stay contracted and cut only those nerves. Now she will have daily physical therapy for four to five months. Please give thanks for Dr. Park and his team’s success with Corinne’s surgery and a speedy recovery.
Bashir Ahmed, father of Shamim Gray, father in law of Commander Obra Gray for whom we prayed while he was deployed to Iraq and on various carrier deployments, is gravely ill. It seemed he was nearing the end of his time here on earth. His family gathered from around the world to be with him. With God’s grace and numerous transfusions he came back from the brink. Please pray for a miraculous recovery for Bashir and, if that not be God’s will, a departure in peace to His world for Bashir. Pray also for his family that they might open their hearts to accept all God’s love will bring them.
Michele has neck pain, on the 18 May 2009 she is having a myelogram.
Judy had emergency surgery Saturday 2 May 2009 for removal of a grapefruit sized benign abdominal tumor. The surgery was apparently completely successful. Please give thanks for the good surgical result and pray for her complete and rapid recovery. Pray also for God’s gift of strength for her and her family.
Mary Garcia fell and broke her hip on 18 April 2009. She had successful surgery and made it home. She is having problems with diet and her diabetes. Please read the note from her husband Gil:
Mary is now at home. She is doing well and improving everyday: however, she is not eating very much. As a result, last Saturday night she gave us a scare. She had a low sugar crash (her tester read low, which meant it was below 25). We kind of knew what was wrong, but she was not responding to sucrose tablets of orange juice. We finally called 911 and the paramedics came and right away put an IV with sucrose and she started responding right away, but they took her to Kaiser Hospital. They kept her at the emergency section until she was stable and then they discharged her at 3:00 AM. She came home and on Sunday she crashed again. This time the paramedics came and established here without going to the hospital. They reduced her insulin and she has been doing much better. Her walking is much improve and and her pain is less and less everyday. I will keep you guys informed.
The VA has finally come through with some home care help. I have a caregiver 8:00-12:00 ,Monday through Friday. That really helps the family caregivers who are trying to juggle days off, vacation time, etc to try to help Mary and Me.
Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all the cards, phone calls, emails, flowers, visits and above all yours prayers. You can't imagine how much they help. Thank you all.
Scott Howell is having significant back pain and numbness in his leg. Please pray for a successful diagnosis of the source of his pain and a successful treatment for the problem. Pray also he will remain of good cheer while in pain. Chronic pain can make one less than pleasant to be around. Scott is such a joy to be with, we pray he will be able to accept God’s help while awaiting medical assistance so that he keeps a good attitude.
Lise, originally diagnosed with "peritoneal cancer", has undergone multiple surgeries and chemotherapy. Lise's doctors hope she is in remission, but are uncertain and do not know if she will be with us for more than a year. Her friend requests that you please pray for continued healing and full remission for Lise; and, and please pray that God might give wisdom and guidance to all of her medical providers. Lise appreciates your support and prayers.
Jan has just recovered from her fifth cancer surgery. The medical prognosis is good. Her friend asks you pray for Jan's continued healing and complete remission; and, please pray God might give wisdom and guidance to all of her medical providers.
Dave (39 yrs), unexpectedly had a brain hemorrhage yesterday and is undergoing emergency surgery. His friends request you pray for successful surgery, without complications, and full recovery. Please pray, too, that God might give wisdom and guidance to all of his medical providers. Dave's wife is also in need of our prayers for God's strength and guidance during this difficult time, and always.
Vince (12 yrs) has bone cancer (a teammate of Andrew B). The cancer spread to his lungs. Vince underwent surgery on Tuesday 3 March 2009. Please pray for his healing and non-recurrence of the cancer, as well as that he and his family might put their trust in God and accept His comfort and encouragement in this difficult time.
Joe is a young father who had successful repeat corneal transplant surgery on Tuesday 3 March 2009. He had the patch removed Thursday and just having that off makes him feel better. The doctor said things looked good from the surgery. He is very swollen and red and sensitive to light so he is wearing those lovely big sunglasses around the house and just resting. He will start the regimen of antibiotic drops and steroid drops until he sees the doctor again in about a week and half. He will have to sleep in the patch for about 16 weeks. Thank you again for your prayers…your loving prayers helped Joe to have a successful surgery and his family wants you to know we all appreciate you taking the time to pray for him.
Lauralee underwent a lumpectomy on Friday after Thanksgiving and into targeted radiation therapy for 10 days. Please pray for a complete remission of the cancer. Pray also Lauralee will maintain her great attitude and trust in God.
Tim, brother of Lauralee, had a stroke and extremely high blood pressure and is now recovering. Pray the doctors, nurses and technicians who treat him will pay attention and do their best.
Mary Parker is home and walking all around the house, as far as her 50 foot oxygen lead will let her. She does physical therapy every day and is eating very well! She is enjoying reading books and the newspaper again! She is improving on a daily basis! Please give thanks for her great recovery and continued progress.
Rod Cook for whom we have been praying had a heart attack the morning of 15 March 2009. Please pray for his recovery from this, as well as his reoccurrence of lung cancer. Prognosis is not promising. Please pray for either a miraculous recovery or a maximization of his time remaining here on earth. Pray also for his daughter Lori that she might accept God’s will and enjoy whatever time she has with her father here on earth. In particular please pray for peace of mind for both Rod and Lori that they might put their trust in God and increase their faith.
Evelyn Hunt has asked for prayers of healing for the pressure like feeling in her head and as she recovers from the flu. She isn’t driving presently and is hoping to get about her neighborhood with a scooter chair. She appreciates the phone calls. Most importantly, pray for her to keep a good attitude and maintain a trust in God, so she will not worry.
Miney Farrell’s bronchitis turned out to be pneumonia. She was seeing some limited improvement, but as she said, “Things aren’t quick when your 93!”
Lorraine Winkles is still dealing with shingles (now over 34 months). The level of discomfort varies but the condition is persisting. She is in amazing spirits and sends her love to all.
Lona Walsh is in significant discomfort, but it looks like it is not Lupus. She asks that you continue your prayers for healing.
Kay Denton (Mrs. Kay) called this week, she is still home and doing pretty well considering some of the bones in her neck are degenerating as a side effect of her kidney failure. Mrs. Kay asks that everyone who is praying for her know how grateful she is for their prayers. As always, she retains her trust in the Lord and her positive attitude.
Nicole Ethridge - age 27, mother of two - has a form of liver disease FSCS, which was causing her liver to shut down. The disease has apparently gone into semi-remission. She is thankful that she is no longer near dialysis. Please pray for her continued remission and her continued faith and good spirits, as well as strength to take care of her children.
Caroline (age 11, leukemia recurrence) is doing very well following her bone marrow transplant in July 2008. She is increasing her time at school and is riding her bike now. Her energy is nearly back to normal, and she has been able to reduce her anti-rejection meds. Please keep praying as Caroline has a 40% chance of recurrence of her leukemia.
Natalie (age 10, leukemia recurrence) Natalie is 18 months into treatment for the same type of leukemia as Caroline's and has relapsed. One month short of the year anniversary since transplant, she relapsed. She has been through so much. Her chances of survival are slim, yet they are only chances and have naught to do with her. Please pray for her and her family.
Tom, Mary, Lloyd & Jennifer to be guided to a church
Breyana, Vie, Asha, Cory, Heather, Holly, Ken, Maruja, William, Joe, Alexander, Jonathan, Phil, Sandy, Larraine, Brad, Brian, Uni, Jennifer, Greg, Margie, Rick, Susan, Curtis, Donny, Chris, Eric (job), Andrew, Keith (job decision), Sara (God's grace and His patience), Mark, Alexandra, Nelson, Perlita, Lewis, Sam, Susie, Dru, Jack, Tina, William, Christina, Tuck, Lorraine (death of husband), Jeff, Christiana (God’s grace), Tara (divorce), Patricia & her family, Errin, Elizabeth, Brandon, Steven, Ashley, Ruth, Virginia, Betty
Sarah is still struggling with custody arrangements for her children and would appreciate our continued prayers. Sara asks you pray God’s will for these children will be realized. Please pray for God’s guidance in the lives of the ex-husband, John and Sara and that they might hear Him.
Paul S suffers from severe schizophrenia remains stable with his medication, but needs God’s guidance. He gives thanks for improvement in his housing situation.
Rod and Leah traveled to Guatemala to pick up their two new daughters. They were only able to return with one. Please give thanks for the one daughter and pray for the satisfactory resolution on the second daughter.
Please pray for the teachers at W.D. Hall Elementary who are facing difficult times from personal struggles with family members being ill or from the daily pressures of teaching in the public school environment.
Hap asks you to pray that he might be able to trust God will help him make the right decisions at the right time and not to worry uselessly.
Guidance and Protection
Christina, Sarah
Economic Guidance and Assistance
Keith has been unable to find any full-time work since his custom home drafting business of 25 years really dropped off last year. He is working as a handyman, doing tile work, painting, home repairs, etc. Their family has a great deal of debt from Susanne’s medical needs. Pray also for God's peace to comfort them and for His leading and wisdom to be very evident to them.
Mark’s business is very very slow, he asks that God point him to new markets and give him guidance in following God’s will that his business might survive and his employees not lose their livelihood.
Please give thanks for Kevin in the UK who has found a job. Please continue to pray he will find a position that will maintain his family and where he can use his talents to make a positive impact on the world. Please pray also for his family, in particular his wife Beverley, that they might open their hearts and minds to God’s guidance.
Linda S. (job in jeopardy)
To Find Employment
Eric, Keith, Kevin and Eric each to find a job that will allow them to use their skill and talent to make their new employer more successful.
Homebound/Aged and Infirm
Mary, Donna, Betty, Noko, Adelaide, Evelyn, Lorraine, Ellie
Armed Forces & Contractors
Tillman, Justin, Evan, RJ, Matt, Phillip, Julian, John Kelly (USN - USS Ronald Reagan), Evan (USMC-Afghanistan), Eric (USN-Afghanistan) Donny (USAF – Biloxi, MI), Stuart (USMC-Afghanistan)
Airman Donny Patton graduated from the United States Air Force Basic Training School, Lackland Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas, on 22 May 2009. He will attend Technical Training Schools in the electronics field in Biloxi, Mississippi and Wichita Falls, Texas for the next five months before receiving his operational duty station.
Phil, Fran Dexter’s cousin, underwent a colonoscopy which found five bleeding polyps, none of which appeared to be cancerous. He had many concerns and worries, of which none came true. He gives thanks for your prayers and a successful outcome. Please pray also Phil, his wife Sandy and their family will put their trust in God and accept the peace God’s love will give them.
Around the world, Christians are under attack, not only in the Muslim world, but from Hindus and others in India. Also, they are under continual attack in the western world as it becomes actively atheist or pro-devil buddy. Please pray for God’s guidance and protection for all persecuted Christians and those around them.
Free Teen Guitar Class
Please join us in praying that the Free Teen Guitar Class will be an opportunity for God to work in the lives of the kids and their families. Help us to let the love of our Lord shine through us into their lives, putting Him first, so that He might enter in to their hearts and lives.
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