Kristen Cramer is in a Seattle hospital. Her amniotic sack burst at 32 weeks, her daughter Mila needs to gain weight before bringing her into this world to maximize her potential in this life. The medical team would like her to stay inside until 1 December 2009. Mila has been diagnosed with some birth defects which will require post birth surgery. Due to the swine flu potential, Kristen is limited to two visitors, her husband and her mother. As one might imagine, this is a difficult time for all involved. Please pray for the medical team to do all that can be done, for Kristen and her family to continue with a good attitude, placing their faith in God. Pray for a good result for Mila, that she might live a long and healthy life to the honor and glory of God.
Vicky developed a brain aneurysm, which ruptured the morning of 28 October 2009. She made it through seven hours of surgery and the drug induced coma in a Denver hospital. Her husband and sons have been by her the entire time, so she has never been alone. In the words of her family …
I think it's my turn to bring some information to the party. Don't want people to think I went away and turned this all over to the boys. They've done an exceptional job keeping everyone informed and I'm so very proud of them. Their mom obviously raised them well.
Today was a really great day. Ian just called me from the hospital. He'd not been there for three days and didn't have the benefit of seeing Vicky since before the Tracheostomy surgery. She's exceeding all the expectations of the neuro wing of the hospital. All of her numbers are in-line with what they want to see. She's coughing and breathing on her own and Ian swears she opened her eyes and looked directly at him and Blair. While that may be wishful thinking, the nurse said the amount of sedation she's still got in her system would completely knock anyone out cold. She's obviously trying to come out of the fog. We just can't wait until we see any sign of acknowledgment in those eyes.
Eric, Ian and I met with the representative for the long term acute care hospital to which we will likely have her moved soon. The only thing that remains for the ICU at University Hospital to monitor is the "bolt" for the ICP (intercranial pressure) still in her head. They're still draining excess fluid from the ventricals of her brain, but they've proclaimed they may not need to do that much longer and might be able to avoid placing a shunt in the ventricals for longer term maintenance of the fluid buildup and pressure. That's incredible news because it indicates she's showing some absolutes in the healing process.
Ian says she looks very good although she's pretty puffy still from all the challenges her kidneys are being put through. I'll take her any way I can get her back. The sooner the better.
Your good wishes and unwaivering support will do more to keep her going than any amount of therapy and medicine.
I'm asking everyone to do us a big favor. Please email me your individual email or other contact information:dougandersen@earthlink.net We want to have the opportunity to stay in touch, as I'm sure Vicky will. I also want to hold a homecoming gathering for when the time is right and don't want to overlook anyone. You have all been so very kind and such a blessing to all of us - especially to Vicky.
Please keep the messages coming. Vicky will love to read them all when she's able.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and do remember to give thanks for what you have. We are giving thanks to all of you for the strength and support you've brought to us in the past three weeks.
Our love to you all!
Please pray for her recovery and for peace of mind for her family, that they might keep their trust in the Lord.
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