Betsy celebrated her 83rd birthday this week.
Jan is on travel this week.
Peaceful Transition
Ruth is in home hospice care.
Repose of the Soul
Hal Cochran, a good friend of Al Ryan, passed away the morning of Sunday 15 November 2009, as the result of a long fought battle with cancer. Please pray for the repose of his soul and for his two sons Tom and Paul that they might be thankful for additional time with their father and adjust to their temporary separation from him.
Marge, Karl, Christian, Lois, Jennette (Alzheimer’s), Ruth, Connie, Tom, Crystal, Thomas, Hadley, Diane, Norm, Gregory, Nancy, Bill (infection), Ernie, Ray, Hazel, Bruce (heart attack), Susanne, Ralph+ (prostate cancer), Allison (kidney), Bill (ETOH poisoning and gout), Kai, Jay, Tim, Diane, Amy (Thyroid cancer), Evelyn, Debbie, Lona (shoulders), Wanda, Paul (stroke), Doris, Charles, Peter H (prostate), Marie (sprained ankle), June (cancer surgery), Susan, Jeff, David (leg injury), Judy, who suffers from mental illness, is undergoing tests for cancer, Greg, June (cancer), David (leg sprain), Cheri, Ben, Michael (heart valve replacement), Walter (skin cancer), Gabriella (surgery), Curtis, Doyle, Martha, Muriel, Richard, Ralph+, Jeffrey, Rod, Gary, Mark, Jeffery, Amy (staph infection), Jennifer, Curtis, Steve (cancer), Paula, Ashton, Marjorie, Mike G, Dave (knee surgery), Karl (shoulder surgery), Jeffrey (testing), Gary (sepsis; diabetic), Jim (stomach cancer), Eunice, Jeanette (Alzheimer’s), Kathleen (breast cancer), Mrs. Alvord, Angie, Madge, Betty (Healing from cancer. Betty has completed her chemotherapy after her surgery), Jeannie (testing for breast cancer), Ed, Betty, Karl (Healing of his shoulder injury, but not having surgery), Phil (Thanksgiving for his having received a pacemaker. Phil is suffering from renal failure and other complications), Dave (We had been praying for healing from a tumor. It now may require surgery), Jacque (Healing of her rare form of cancer. It is her second recurrence), Jeannie (cancer tests), Sarah, Stephen, Curtis; Angie, Madge, Veronica, Carmen, Alice, Dave (surgery recovery), Ed S (liver failure), Greg D (leg injury. Greg is making good progress still using a knee brace; Thanksgiving for the progress and requests continued healing) John (prostate cancer surgery), Martin, Pauline, Pat A (altz: things are stable); Charles A (altz: slight improvement in general awareness that he is disappointed not being allowed to drive, Maurice (in ICU with a congenital disease)
Matt Alcantara, age 15, was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma (bone cancer) in his left hip in March 2009. This is a very rare and lethal form of cancer with limited treatment options. He was admitted to Children's here in San Diego and a course of treatment including high dose chemotherapy and amputation of his left hip and leg were recommended. After much research into possible options, he went to Houston for a second opinion. Although the chemotherapy recommendation was the same, a surgical option of performing an internal hemipelvectomy seemed to be better than what was recommended here. After some very difficult courses of chemotherapy, he underwent surgery in Houston in June for the surgery involving removal of most of the left ilium, all of the hip socket and the ball of the top of the femur. Fortunately, despite all of the risks of complications, Matt was able to get through the surgery. After spending approximately a month in the hospital recovering, he came back home to San Diego.
Due to the high risk of the cancer spreading (even after surgery) Matt continued chemotherapy when he returned. In addition, he is undergoing intense physical therapy in order to learn to cope with his physical limitations. He will continue chemo for at least another 9 months (from now). His physical therapy will continue at least 2 years before he reaches his maximum medical improvement.
His family asks for your prayers for Matt and we ask you to pray also for his family in this time of great stress. Their friends set up a donation account to help defray travel and other expenses not covered by insurance. You can look at http://www.mattalcantara.com for information. If you want to follow Matt's progress, look at http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/mattalcantara.
Joan Jeffery was diagnosed with cancerous lymphoma in her throat area. She is back in hospital since last Thursday trying to fight off the severe effects of the radiation treatment. There is good and a bad. The good is the radiation treatment got rid of the tumour; the bad is side-effects have been so severe that they have caused a different set of problems. Because of the position of the tumour in the neck the rays have affected the mouth, lips, throat, oesophagus and the skin from the middle of her chest to halfway up her ears. It has been so sore that not only has she been unable to eat, but talking is a problem too. In hospital they have been re-hydrating her intravenously and may put in a central line in order to feed her intravenously as well. She certainly needs building up in order to assist the healing process. The doctors and nurses are all positive she will pull through this problem and have said once the mouth etc. has healed enough for her to eat properly the improvement should be quite rapid, so I am keeping everything crossed. Please pray for peace of mind for Joan and her husband Peter as she goes through this difficult time. Pray also for guidance for the medical personnel treating her.
Danielle’s neck surgery to remove her lymph nodes and damaged tissue was successful. She completed the radiation and chemotherapy, her throat is swollen so she cannot eat, but she is now on the way to recovery. It is very tough, but she is making it. Her mom Jan is with her until later this week. Things are better with Jan there. Please pray a good outcome and peace of mind for Danielle and her family.
Dan Heersema had four way bypass surgery on 7 December 2009, which he tolerated well. Please give thanks for a great result and pray for his continued recovery and that he may live a long and healthy life to God’s honor and glory. Pray for peace of mind for Dan and his family.
Mike Wysocki was diagnosed with a bad heart valve, which seems to require repair or replacement. He had an angiogram on 7 December 2009, which indicates he needs a heart valve replacement and a previous bypass needs to be done. He may have surgery scheduled before Christmas. Mike, whose real name is Ronald, but who is universally known as Chief, asks that you pray for the medical team treating him that they might pay attention and do their best. He also asks that you pray for guidance and peace of mind, both for him and his wife Wendy.
Lee had a stroke recently. He is home from the hospital, but he needs continuous care and assistance as the stroke did significant damage. Sandy will have 4 hour of in-home care provided. Lee is aware of his surroundings and family, but he is in need prayer during recovery and rehabilitation.
Jackson Babcock, father of Hope DeLong, has not been feeling well. He ended up in ICU, got better and is now home. Please give thanks for the great turn around and pray that he will continue to recover and thrive at home and live a long and fruitful life to God’s honor and glory.
Mila daughter of Kristen Cramer was born six weeks early. Please give thanks for her successful birth. Mila needs to build her strength so she can be released home. Please pray for her to gain interest in eating and gain strength.
Vicky developed a brain aneurysm, which ruptured the morning of 28 October 2009. She made it through seven hours of surgery and the drug induced coma in a Denver hospital. She is still not yet regained consciousness, but is in a rehabilitation facility. There are signs of her awakening. Her husband and sons have been by her the entire time, so she has never been alone. Please pray for her recovery and for peace of mind for her family, that they might keep their trust in the Lord.
Zeke and Dorothy are in need of healing. Dorothy is currently in skilled nursing after a serious bout of colitis, trying to gain strength to go home. Her husband Zeke has liver disease and is doing better than Dorothy, but not that well. Please pray for the medical people taking care of both of them and for them and their family placing their faith in God and seeking his guidance.
Obra was just released from hospital three days ago. From Shamim - The doctors cannot do a lot with a darling 86 year old man, who suffers from diabetes, high blood pressure, prostrate cancer, heart disease, and a variety of other ailments (much like my own father). We sincerely believe Daddy is missing his dear Pauline a lot, and is very down now. Thank you for continuing to keep him in all your prayers. We know God is our only salvation.
Please pray he will keep his trust and faith in God and turn his heart outward to the world, remembering God put him here to make a difference; that he will let his heart be open to God’s grace.
Cerrus, daughter in law of Hy, has had a relapse of her cancer. Please pray for a successful treatment and remission.
David is suffering from shingles and asks that we pray for a remission of the symptoms and a return to normalcy.
Faith, daughter of Craig, Associate Pastor at Bethel Christian, had major, serious and complicated heart surgery on 24 November 2009. Please give thanks for a successful result. Pray also for peace of mind and concentration on faith in God for Faith and her family during her recovery.
Bishop Richard Boyce has bronchial pneumonia. He is down right now, taking antibiotics and likely feel pretty poorly, though he never complains. Seems like he is getting a bit better, though. Please pray for his rapid and complete recovery.
Jimmy had a stroke along with triple bypass heart surgery. Miney Farrell asks you pray for his recovery and positive frame of mind during his recovery.
Annie S is on dialysis, but has been added to the kidney transplant wait list. Please pray for healing of her diabetic condition causing complications.
Jackie was involved in a rollover car accident, her passenger was not injured, but she sustained a serious head injury. She has regained consciousness and is up and walking. Pray for the medical team treating her that they might do their best. Pray for her and her family who are very worried about her.
Bashir Ahmed, father of Shamim Gray, father in law of Commander Obra Gray for whom we prayed while he was deployed to Iraq and on various carrier deployments, is gravely ill. Bashir lives in London. He has regained an increased awareness of those around him and his surroundings. This is a very good thing and a large step back to earth. Please pray God will deliver a miraculous recovery for Bashir; if that not be God’s will, a departure in peace to His world for him. Please pray God will extend His Grace to Bashir and his family and that they will accept. Shamim keeps her faith in the Lord. Above all, pray for his family to open their hearts to accept all God’s love will bring them.
Peter H is in Kaiser with a less than good prognosis of prostate cancer. Please offer prayers of healing. His wife Susan understands we have prayer warriors in other countries including England. She is confident Peter will appreciate that as he is English.
Hy cannot put much weight on her leg. She does not know why and so far the doctors have not been able to diagnose a problem. But, things are much better and she is getting around on using a cane. She thanks all who are praying for her.
Lise, originally diagnosed with "peritoneal cancer", has undergone multiple surgeries and chemotherapy. Lise's doctors hope she is in remission, but are uncertain and do not know if she will be with us for more than a year. Her friend requests you please pray for continued healing and full remission for Lise; and, and please pray that God might give wisdom and guidance to all of her medical providers. Lise appreciates your support and prayers.
Jan has just recovered from her fifth cancer surgery. Her friend asks you pray for Jan's continued healing and complete remission; and, please pray God might give wisdom and guidance to all of her medical providers.
Lauralee underwent a lumpectomy on Friday after Thanksgiving. Another anomaly has been discovered and she is back into preventative radiation treatment. Please pray for a complete remission of the cancer. Pray also Lauralee will maintain her great attitude and trust in God.
Mary Parker Is doing extremely well. She needs to be on oxygen with the altitude and she gets about nicely with the walker. Her goddaughter, Mary, has been doing an 6 week med-school visiting intern stay at UCSD Med. It was a joyful addition to the large family gathering for Thanksgiving. Son, Alan, is likely to be moving to Tennessee with a company required relocation--not great with his sons Alan & Kenny in college and finishing high school here in San Diego area.
Evelyn Hunt was in the hospital recently and just got out. She is undergoing testing and not feeling well. She is doing much better, her medications seem to be more properly adjusted. She gives thanks for the card and your prayers.
Miney Farrell was in Yuma for Thanksgiving with her daughter. She had a nice visit, but being at home does have advantages--like her Friday visit to the beauty shop.
Lorraine Winkles is doing well all things considered, with some days better than other days. She asks about everyone and is looking forward to a short visit by the Carolers next Sunday.
Kay Denton (Mrs. Kay) is still home and doing pretty well considering the bones in her neck and hands are degenerating as a side effect of her kidney failure. Her thumbs are not particularly useful any more. Mrs. Kay asks everyone who is praying for her know how grateful she is for their prayers. As always, she retains her trust in the Lord and her positive attitude.
Nicole Ethridge - age 28, mother of two - has a form of liver disease FSCS, which was causing her liver to shut down. The disease has apparently gone into semi-remission. Please pray for her continued remission and her continued faith and good spirits, as well as strength to take care of her children.
Caroline (age 11, leukemia recurrence) is struggling a bit with Graft Vs Host Disease (GVHD), which is causing stiffness in her joints and itchy rashes on her face and body. She is doing well post transplant; all tests show she continues cancer-free.
Natalie (age 10, leukemia recurrence) has not responded to any treatment since her relapse. Please pray for God’s grace for Natalie and her family to give them peace of heart, soul and mind.
Tom, Mary, Lloyd & Jennifer to be guided to a church
Breyana, Vie, Asha, Cory, Heather, Holly, William, Phil, Rick, Susan, Curtis, Donny, Chris, Andrew, Keith (job decision), Sara (God's grace and His patience), Mark, Alexandra, Perlita, Lewis, Susie, Dru, Jack, Tina, William, Christina, Tuck, Jeff, Christiana (God’s grace), Tara (divorce), Patricia & her family, Errin, Elizabeth, Brandon, Steven, Nelson, Ashley, Betty who is considering moving into an assisted living home, Nick, Pat, Caroline, Stephen, Greg (vocation guidance and training for the diaconate), Stephanie, Richard, Daniel,, Sheryl, Edward, Jeannie, Rachel, Mikaela, Emma, Patrick, Mary (adoption); Ashley (job); Curt; Angelina & Ron C; Steven (strength); Vanessa H (trust), Jackie (God's grace), Sandy (Relief from stress; Her husband has severe medical problems), Jennifer, Margie, Phyllis, Sam (guidance on direction of his business), Susie (Pray for her successfully passing her school bus driving exam 12/8 or 9), Tara (divorce), Virginia, Darin & Brian (mom’s health issues), Jeanie (upset over her husband's cancer problems), Curt (Still providing care for his wife, Jacque, who is undergoing chemotherapy), Alex, Emilie, Stephen
Hope asks you pray for God’s help in forcing the dissolution an aircraft partnership with two other people. For two and a half years she has been trying to come to an equitable agreement and cannot. She asks that she be open to God’s guidance in bringing this partnership to an end to the mutual benefit of all the partners.
Megan is struggling with suicidal thoughts. Please pray for her to open her heart to God and accept His Love, Help, Guidance and Grace. Please pray for her parents to open their hearts to both God and Megan that they might see the world as she sees it and help her see the world as God would have her see it.
Jacquie to open her heart to God and accept His Love and Grace.
Noriene for God's comfort as she mourns her mother and for her turning to God for His healing.
Paul S suffers from severe schizophrenia remains stable with his medication, but needs God’s guidance. He gives thanks for improvement in his housing situation.
Linda, after traveling to Chile to learn more about music therapy for developmentally challenged young people from a Christian perspective, is embarking on a project to actually do something about it. She asks that you pray for her that she might discern God’s will, her abilities and the need.
Hap asks you to pray that he might be able to trust God will help him make the right decisions at the right time and not to worry uselessly.
Guidance and Protection
Christina, Sarah
Economic Guidance and Assistance
Keith has been unable to find any full-time work since his custom home drafting business of 25 years really dropped off last year. He is working as a handyman, doing tile work, painting, home repairs, etc. Their family has a great deal of debt fromSusanne’s medical needs. Pray also for God's peace to comfort them and for His leading and wisdom to be very evident to them.
Mark’s business is very very slow, he asks that God point him to new markets and give him guidance in following God’s will that his business might survive and his employees not lose their livelihood.
Toni is applying for a promotion and asks God’s guidance.
Please give thanks for Kevin in the UK who has found a job. Please continue to pray he will find a position that will maintain his family and where he can use his talents to make a positive impact on the world. Please pray also for his family, in particular his wife Beverley, that they might open their hearts and minds to God’s guidance.
To Find Employment
Jack has been laid off from his job as a construction manager in East San Diego County; due to the economy jobs in the field are hard to find. Please pray that Jack will find a job, not necessarily in the construction, that will allow him to use his considerable skills and talents to make his new employer more successful; guide him and his family is this difficult time.
Brad, Brian, Russell, Kris, Keith and Kevin each to find a job that will allow them to use their skill and talent to make their new employer more successful.
Shawna’s father lost his job in March 2009. After 33 years of working, he has been unable to find work. Please pray that he will find a job that will allow him to use his talents to make his new employer more successful. Pray also that he might put his trust in the Lord and look outward; that he might turn his heart away from depression and towards God. Pray also for his family in this very stressful time and that all those out of work might find gainful employment. There is little worse for a person than no work to turn to and no way to support their family.
Homebound/Aged and Infirm
Mary, Donna, Betty, Noko, Adelaide, Evelyn, Lorraine, Ellie
Armed Forces & Contractors
Tillman, Justin, Evan, RJ, Matt, Phillip, Julian, John Kelly (USN - USS Ronald Reagan), Evan (USMC-Afghanistan), Eric (USN-Afghanistan), Stuart (USMC-Afghanistan), Airman Donny Patton (RAF Mildenhall, UK), Eric (USN-Afghanistan through May 2010), Bob (USCG), Josh(USCG)
Around the world, Christians are under attack, not only in the Muslim world, but from Hindus and others in India. Also, they are under continual attack in the western world as it becomes actively atheist or pro-devil buddy. Please pray for God’s guidance and protection for all persecuted Christians and those around them.
Various Special Requests
Please join us in praying that the Free Teen Guitar Class will be an opportunity for God to work in the lives of the kids and their families. Please ask God to guide the class to new opportunities to make Him known to others. Help us to let the love of our Lord shine through us into their lives, putting Him first, so that He might enter in to their hearts and lives.
Pray for our Caroling visit to those of our members who can't make it to church on Sundays will be on December 20th. We'll start after snacks this Sunday and work our way down to El Cajon. Then some of us will make a stop in Descanso followed by an anticipatory Christmas beer (or wetting our thirst after the Vicar has preached on Hell--the traditional theme for the 4th Sunday in Advent). Look for details from Father Acker by mid-week...on Caroling!
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