Dan Heersema had four way bypass surgery on 7 December 2009, which he tolerated well. Please give thanks for a great result and pray for his continued recovery and that he may live a long and healthy life to God’s honor and glory. Pray for peace of mind for Dan and his family.
Mike Wysocki has just been diagnosed with a bad heart valve, which seems to require repair or replacement. He had an angiogram on 7 December 2009, which indicates he needs a heart valve replacement and a previous bypass needs to be done. He may have surgery scheduled before Christmas. Mike, whose real name is Ronald, but who is universally known as Chief, asks that you pray for the medical team treating him that they might pay attention and do their best. He also asks that you pray for guidance and peace of mind, both for him and his wife Wendy.
Pearl Harbor Day - Please remember the 2,350 Americans who died defending our freedom at Pearl Harbor 68 years ago. They gave their tomorrow for our today. Freedom is not free. It never was and never will be.
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